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View 2025 Catalog
Abelia x chinensis 'Rose Creek'
Rose Creek Abelia
Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'
Kaleidoscope Abelia
Abelia x grandiflora 'Radiance'
Radiance Glossy Abelia
Amsonia hubrichtii
Threadleaf Blue Star, Arkansas Blue Star
Aralia cordata 'Sun King'
Sun King Golden Japanese Spikenard
Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165'
PW® Low Scape Mound® Aronia
Carex laxiculmis 'Hobb'
Blue Bunny Sedge
Cephalanthus occidentalis 'SMCOSS'
Sugar Shack® Buttonbush
Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'
Dwarf Nikko Deutzia
Echinacea purpurea 'PowWow White'
PowWow® White Echinacea, Coneflower
Euonymus japonicus 'Aureomarginatus'
Aureomarginatus Japanese Euonymus
Fothergilla x intermedia 'NCFI1' USPP 34,139
Legend of the Small® Fothergilla
Helleborus x glandorfensis 'Frosty'
HGC® Frosty Lenten Rose
Helleborus x glandorfensis 'Macy Marble'
HGC® Ice N' Roses® Macy Marble Hellebore
Helleborus x hybridus 'EPBRD01'
FrostKiss™ Molly's White Lenten Rose
Heuchera 'TNHEUNEB'
Northern Exposure™ Black Heuchera
Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple'
Purple Palace Coral Bells
Heuchera villosa 'Georgia Peach'
Georgia Peach Coral Bells
Heuchera x 'Plum Pudding'
Plum Pudding Coral Bells, Heuchera
Hosta 'Blue Angel'
Blue Angel Hosta