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View 2025 Catalog
Amsonia tabernaemontana 'Storm Cloud'
Storm Cloud Blue Star
Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila'
Pumila Chinese Astilbe
Baptisia 'Blueberry Sundae'
Decadence® Blueberry Sundae False Indigo
Baptisia 'Cherries Jubilee'
Decadence® Cherries Jubilee Baptisia
Buxus 'Green Mountain'
Green Mountain Boxwood
Buxus microphylla 'Wintergreen'
Wintergreen Boxwood
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'
Karl Foerster's Feather Reed Grass
Cercis canadensis 'NC2016-2' PP #31,260
Flame Thrower® Redbud
Cornus kousa 'Satomi'
Satomi Dogwood
Cornus sericea 'Baileyi'
Baileyi Red Twig Dogwood
Cornus stolonifera 'Farrow'
Arctic Fire® Red Twig Dogwood
Deutzia 'NCDX2'
Yuki Cherry Blossom® Deutzia
Echinacea x 'Balsomador' PP #26,639
Sombrero® Adobe Orange Improved Coneflower
Fothergilla major 'Mount Airy'
Mount Airy Fothergilla
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise'
Arnold Promise Witch Hazel
Ilex crenata 'Drops of Gold'
Drops of Gold Japanese Holly
Ilex glabra 'Compacta'
Compact Inkberry
Ilex verticillata 'Southern Gentleman'
Southern Gentleman Winterberry
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince'
Blue Prince Holly
Iris sibirica Caesar's Brother
'Caesar's Brother' Siberian Iris