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View 2025 Catalog
Achillea millefolium 'Pomegranate'
Pomegranate Yarrow
Echinacea 'PAS1257973'
Artisan™ Red Ombre Coneflower
Lobelia cardinalis
Cardinal Flower
Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah'
Shenandoah Switch Grass
Platanus x acerifolia 'Bloodgood'
Bloodgood London Planetree
Achillea millefolium 'Balvinred' PP25618
New Vintage™ Red Yarrow
Achillea millefolium 'FLORACHRE1'
Milly Rock™ Red Yarrow
Achillea millefolium 'Paprika'
Paprika Yarrow
Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction'
Strawberry Seduction Yarrow
Aquilegia canadensis
Wild Columbine
Astilbe chinensis 'Purpurkerze'
Purple Candles Chinese Astilbe
Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red'
Vision in Red Chinese Astilbe
Astilbe japonica 'Montgomery'
Montgomery Japanese Astilbe
Cercis canadensis 'Appalachian Red'
Appalachian Red Redbud
Echinacea x 'Cheyenne Spirit'
Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea, Coneflower
Hibiscus 'Lord Baltimore'
Lord Baltimore Hibiscus
Hibiscus syriacus 'Lucy'
Lucy Hibiscus
Hibiscus x 'Minsyrou17'
Paraplu Rouge® Rose of Sharon
Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit II' PP0296
Dynamite® Crape Myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit IV'
Red Rocket® Crape Myrtle