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Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'
Mikawa Yatsubusa Japanese Maple
Camellia sasanqua 'Green 98-009' PP20506
October Magic® Rose Camellia
Lagerstroemia 'Cherry Dazzle'
Crespón 'Cherry Dazzle'
Weigela florida 'Verweig 6'
Sonic Bloom® Red Weigela
Clematis viticella 'Evipo016'
Rebecca™ Clematis
Hibiscus x 'Minsyrou17'
Paraplu Rouge® Rose of Sharon
Hortensia paniculata 'Renba' PP28,509
Hortensia Berry White® First Editions®
Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPH' PP33,207
Hortensia Proven Winners® Little Lime Punch®
Rhododendron x girard 'Hot Shot'
Girard's Hot Shot Azalea