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Juncus effusus
Rush suave
Lamium maculatum 'Orchid Frost'
Orchid Frost Deadnettle
Lobelia x speciosa 'PAS1301790'
Starship™ Burgundy Cardinal Flower
Monarda 'Grape Gumball' PP27498
Sugar Buzz® Grape Gumball Bee Balm
Monarda 'Monard0044'
Bee-You™ Bee Pretty Bee Balm
Monarda fistulosa
Wild Bergamot
Nepeta ‘Chartreuse on the Loose’
Chartreuse on the Loose Catmint
Phlox 'Bedazzled Pink' PP32063
Bedazzled Pink Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'Luminary Prismatic Pink'
Luminary® Prismatic Pink Phlox
Phlox subulata 'Spring Dark Pink'
Spring Dark Pink Creeping Phlox
Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida
Black-Eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta 'Indian Summer'
Indian Summer Black-Eyed Susan
Sedum 'Bundle of Joy'
Rock 'N Round® Bundle of Joy Stonecrop
Stokesia laevis 'Honeysong Purple'
Honeysong Purple Stoke's Aster
Veronica longifolia 'Alllady'
First Lady Speedwell
Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue'
Georgia Blue Speedwell